ChiChiLand Postcards
August 25, 2016BlogCinema 4D,photo,render,art,card,postcard,product,paper,chichiland,realistic,octane,octane 3,greeting card,physics,air
My wife asked me for help with some product photography for her ChiChiLand postcard series. After fussing around with a camera and lights for a bit, I decided to go the CGI route.
What can I say… I freakin’ love Octane Render.
2 Comments1 Minutes
Art or Code: Why Not Both?
January 29, 2016Blog,Announcements,Motionscript,java script,addon,meetup,Seattle,VR,javascript,talk,plugin,tool,meeting,event,lecture,art,design,After Effects,code
Come join me on Thursday, February 18at 7PM – 9PM at Adobe Systems Inc in Seattle for a talk about some cool toys I’ve been building inside After Effects. Organized by After Effects Seattle, in this three-part presentation I will demonstrate how to push After Effects to do things it was not designed to do – building your own unique rigs and effects.
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Perlin Maps
October 1, 2014Blog,Game Developmentalgorithm,pathfinding,generation,simplex,perlin,terrain,pixelart,yoyo,chichi,Game Maker,chichiland,code,function,adventure,Games,script,land,chi,pixel,art,Game,noise,random,path
It's been a while since I updated the progress, and I totally skipped any mention of alpha 0.0.7. Now we are at 0.0.8 and although I will be rolling back on some features, I think it's time to show the progress.
I have been working on two main areas of the game: NPC VI and Level Generation.
1 Comment4 Minutes
Perler ChiChiLand Adventure Sprite
August 17, 2014Doodles&Noodles,Blog,Game DevelopmentGame,art,pixel,project,hand,sprite,craft,coaster,bead,plastic,made,handmade
Some days you just have to take a break from work and do something silly. As my next tutorial (coming Tuesday) was rendering, I grabbed some Perler beads and made myself a water glass coaster featuring the main character from the ChiChiLand Adventure game I am developing. Stupid little thing, but made me happy :)
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Character Concepts
August 14, 2014Blog,Game Developmentillustration,design,concept,art,player,character,sketch,chi,adventure,drawing,chichiland
I would not go as far as calling it Concept ART, but as I was working to develop a number of idle animations for the player sprite, I realized how little I understood about what I am drawing.
I use pixel art is an abstraction, a simplification of an actual form - but I never really stopped to think about what this actual form may be. Needles to say, abstracting something that does not exist was quite tough.
0 Comments1 Minutes
Nexus Q: Lights (cancelled)
November 20, 2013Video Bits,Doodles&Noodles,Motion,Autofusslight,color,art,painting,board,animation,Autofuss,Nexus,Nexus Q,trail,psychodelic,neon
You may remember a cool media device named Nexus Q created by Google in 2012 and subsequently removed from sale. At Autofuss we created quite a few pieces for the launch of the device that never ended seeing the light of day.
Here is a set of boards I created for one of the spots.
2 Comments1 Minutes
VideoBits: _round
October 5, 2013Video Bits,Motion,Doodles&Noodlesdoodle,rotation,human,stamp,thought,videobit,CMY,CMYK,bits,RGB,sketch,motion,video,bit,art,test,design
QubaHQ VideoBits can be most easily explained as doodling. Some people doodle by drawing with pen or pencil on a piece of paper. I use my motion design tools.
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December 14, 2011Announcements,MotionAdobe,design,zoom,art,motion,graphics,image,interactive,after,effects,graphs,exhibition,deep,composition
I would like to invite you to visit - an online version of an exhibition by Quba Michalski, celebrating over a decade of his work in the field of motion design. Throughout this period Quba created several hundred of videos ranging from small independent pieces to massive visual extravaganzas for some of the world's most well-known brands. MotionGraphs gives you a rare chance to gaze into the inner workings of his projects and examine in detail the way these selected works were constructed.
4 Comments3 Minutes
Quba Michalski: Creative Free Agent
September 6, 2011Announcements,Motion,Featuredcommercial,photo,live,design,Creative,art,motion,independent,free,director,agent,shoot
I am the creative free agent, and I want you to work with me.
4 Comments3 Minutes