VideoBits: _round
October 5, 2013Video Bits,Motion,Doodles&Noodlesdoodle,rotation,human,stamp,thought,videobit,CMY,CMYK,bits,RGB,sketch,motion,video,bit,art,test,design
QubaHQ VideoBits can be most easily explained as doodling. Some people doodle by drawing with pen or pencil on a piece of paper. I use my motion design tools.
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Tutorial: Enhance Your Images With HolOS
January 21, 2010Tutorials&Presets,Featured,Video Bitssystem,operating,holos,bits,CSI,enhancement,image,Hollywood,software,tutorial,OS,video,24,effect,Adobe,After Effects
This tutorial video will teach you how to create your own HolOS (Hollywood Operating System) image enhancement effect using After Effects.
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