January 12, 2012Featured,Video Bits,Games,Motion,imagoKatana Blaster,Big Giant Circles,Mick Gordon,derez,lores,wild demo,Amiga,Atari,Commodore,C64,demoscene,C4D,64,8,indie,scene,demo,independent,8bit,8-bit,bit,Maxon,Adobe,After Effects,Cinema 4D
AE64 is a tribute to the demoscene and to the legacy of world's most popular microcomputer: Commodore 64.
While this video was created using the typical contemporary arsenal of tools (mainly After Effects and Cinema 4D), it conforms to most of the basic graphical limitations of the C64 such as a limited 16-color palette, low resolution, use of the overscan area etc. To maintain the spirit of the demo, I also created most of the effects using various scripts and code snippets, procedurally automating many of the tasks typically animated using keyframes.
4 Comments3 Minutes
December 14, 2011Announcements,MotionAdobe,design,zoom,art,motion,graphics,image,interactive,after,effects,graphs,exhibition,deep,composition
I would like to invite you to visit - an online version of an exhibition by Quba Michalski, celebrating over a decade of his work in the field of motion design. Throughout this period Quba created several hundred of videos ranging from small independent pieces to massive visual extravaganzas for some of the world's most well-known brands. MotionGraphs gives you a rare chance to gaze into the inner workings of his projects and examine in detail the way these selected works were constructed.
4 Comments3 Minutes
Tutorial: UFO Trolling
October 27, 2011Motion,Tutorials&Presets,FeaturedAfter Effects,Adobe,vfx,tracker,UFO,sighting,troll,trololo,Mocha,tracking,planar,lo-fi
In this tutorial I will teach you how to create your own UFO troll video using After Effects and Mocha - a process that should take you no longer than 30 minutes from the moment you grab a camera, to the time you are ready for upload.
11 Comments2 Minutes
Morhipo ads and how MovieType saved my skin
October 20, 2011Motion,imagoTVC,Motionworks,MovieType,silver,morhipo,,C4D,type,text,shiny,commercial,advertisement,ad,gold,TV,Maxon,Cinema 4D,3D
I remember the first time John from Motionworks shown me a beta version of MovieType. Pretty cool - I remember saying - I'm sure it will be useful to the people who do lots of 3D text, but not really something I would use in my projects.
While I was certainly impressed with both the idea and the implementation of MovieType, I really did not think I'd ever have any need for it. My motion pieces rarely, if ever, use 3D typography. I may throw an After Effects 3D text layer here and there, but that's pretty much it.
And then came the gig.
0 Comments5 Minutes
Spin by ASD
October 2, 2011Found Around,Motiongroup,realtime,real,Spin,Farbrausch,Kewlers,Lotus,TBL,Fairlight,Andromeda,ASD,time,demoscene,orange,development,scene,demo,graphics,black,software
Ever since my first Commodore 64, I have been an avid follower of the demoscene. For many years groups like Fairlight, Kewlers, The Black Lotus, Orange, Farbrausch and more recently ASD (Andromeda Software Development) have been pushing the art of realtime graphics into new extremes.
While entertaining to watch however, demos usually had a tendency to lack in the art direction department. The would excel in cool visual effects, pumping more and more graphics at better framerates and higher resolutions - but being primarily created by coders, not artists, the majority were more of a technical showcase rather than an artistic pursuit. In the recent years, the new breed of demos started emerging - one where art and code truly go hand in hand. One that can easily rival the amazing vfx and motion design pieces from the world renown motion design directors.
2 Comments2 Minutes
Quba Michalski: Creative Free Agent
September 6, 2011Announcements,Motion,Featuredcommercial,photo,live,design,Creative,art,motion,independent,free,director,agent,shoot
I am the creative free agent, and I want you to work with me.
4 Comments3 Minutes
Preset+Tutorial: Floaties
August 15, 2011Tutorials&Presets,Featured,Motionfloater,float,glitter,dot,circle,animator,particle,text,free,lesson,tutorial,animation,download,preset,dust,liquid,random,Adobe,After Effects
In this tutorial I will demonstrate the use of a new free preset from - Floaties. Floaties is a text animator based fake particle simulator allowing you to create floating specs of dust, glitters, bokeh-style out of focus abstract backgrounds and other visual elements.
21 Comments2 Minutes
Cinemagraph: Remember ZX
July 20, 2011Video Bits,Motioncomputer,photo,TV,retro,animation,picture,animated,cinegraph,GIF,mixer,sound,still
Not too long ago, these were referred to as simply "cool animated gifs". These days they go by much more artsy name of Cinemagraphs. In the picture: A ZX Spectrum microcomputer, an Italian analogue sound mixer and a National TV set. Only TV still works.
1 Comment1 Minute
Preset+Tutorial: Stop Motion Kit
June 20, 2011Motion,Tutorials&Presets,FeaturedAfter Effects,expressions,Adobe,preset,download,motion,tool,free,stop,kit
In this tutorial I will show you how to quickly simulate stop motion aesthetic using my After Effects Stop Motion Kit. This collection of presets will allow you to easily add subtle imperfections to the movement of objects in your scene, emulating animator errors that are a staple of stop motion animation. Using 6 different expression sets, you will be able to apply and control glitches in movement, rotation and timing of your objects as well as simulate changes in camera position and exposure.
46 Comments1 Minutes