World Chat Clock

World Chat Clock is a simple little web app that lets you easily co-ordinate international chats and calls. For anyone in motion design, dealing with clients and offices in different worldwide time zones, this tool should come in really handy!

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Spin by ASD

Ever since my first Commodore 64, I have been an avid follower of the demoscene. For many years groups like Fairlight, Kewlers, The Black Lotus, Orange, Farbrausch and more recently ASD (Andromeda Software Development) have been pushing the art of realtime graphics into new extremes.

While entertaining to watch however, demos usually had a tendency to lack in the art direction department. The would excel in cool visual effects, pumping more and more graphics at better framerates and higher resolutions - but being primarily created by coders, not artists, the majority were more of a technical showcase rather than an artistic pursuit. In the recent years, the new breed of demos started emerging - one where art and code truly go hand in hand. One that can easily rival the amazing vfx and motion design pieces from the world renown motion design directors.

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Convert time and dates using Wolfram Alpha

There are a whole bunch of sites that deal with time conversion, but they are either painfully ugly to look at or week on functionality. Google, as of yet, does not do any time conversions. I decided to try Wolfram|Alpha - the awesome "scientist in a box" from the authors of Mathematica. The result it returned was nothing short of perfect.

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