The Pull (Short VR Film)
March 22, 2016Blog,Virtual Reality,VR,Portfolio,Announcements,Featured,Motiongravity,the pull,pull,stereo,VR,spherical,360,reality,virtual,stereoscopic,animation,film,sphere,render,3D
Gravity is no longer a constant.
Enter a world where the rules that bind us
are suddenly disobeyed.
0 Comments1 Minutes
QubaVR Stereo Swapper (Photoshop Actions)
January 20, 2016Virtual Reality,Featured,Tutorials&Presets360,QubaVR,Actions,panorama,swap,swapper,authoring,Virtual Reality,stereo,VR,3D,qubahq,free,tool,photoshop,action,download,preset,Adobe
To simplify the process of converting the stereoscopic images from one layout to another, I created a series of Adobe Photoshop Actions named QubaVR Stereo Swapper, that will allow you to re-arrange your frames with a single (or at most double) click.
0 Comments2 Minutes
Freefall: QubaHQ VR004
October 14, 2015Portfolio,Virtual Reality,VR,Video Bits,Motionrealistic,adrift,alone,tumble,stereo,VR,spherical,360,orbit,free,animation,video,fall,space,Earth,sphere,3D
This short VR Experiment aims to replicate the sensation of finding yourself in a free-fall, lost in space. You are tumbling out of control in the orbit of our home planet, Earth. Best experienced using a high-quality head mounted display such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, GearVR or Google Cardboard. For more about the project as well as high-bitrate downloadable version, visit:
2 Comments4 Minutes
Google Jump, Avicii and “Waiting for Love”
May 28, 2015Google Jump,Virtual Reality,VR,Portfolio,Live Action,Featuredgopro,choreography,waiting for love,Avicii,mono,stereo,VR,spherical,360,3D,tech,camera,stereoscopic,video,dance,music,rig,2D
For the past two months, I had the opportunity to work with some very creative engineers, filmmakers and coders in some of the very first field tests of this new, exciting camera rig.
The effort culminated in a collaboration with EDM artist Avicii and YouTube director Kurt Hugo Schneider, and resulted in an awesome 360 video for Avicii's latest single "Waiting for Love"
0 Comments1 Minutes
Project Tango: The Journey (Director’s Cut)
July 23, 2014Portfolio,Live Action,Autofusstablet,tech,ATAP,Johnny Lee,peanut,sensing,IR,Kinect,3D,mobile,documentary,tango,google,phone
Lead by Johnny Chung Lee, Project Tango took a fairly unorthodox approach to the development of this new technology. Rather than complete secrecy, Google engineers collaborated with research labs and academia, developing both the software as well as the current incarnation of the project - the Tango Tablet.
This film is a tribute to all the amazing minds involved in making Tango a reality. It documents the amazing journey of computer vision and 3D sensing that led to today's ability to contain all these amazing technologies in a user-oriented mobile device.
0 Comments3 Minutes
VideoBits: _convo
October 4, 2013Motion,Video Bitsmotion,points,lines,convo,plexus,experimental,C4D,graphics,conversation,experiment,space,design,After Effects,Cinema 4D,3D
_convo is a result of me continuing to mess around with my Chromatic Aberration Kit. It's one of these things that simply sort of happened. Not quite large to make a big piece out of them, but cool enough not to discard.
0 Comments1 Minute
Google: Nexus Playground
May 29, 2013Autofuss,Featured,Motionspot,rich media,banner,tablet,10,7,4,Nexus 10,Nexus 7,Nexus 4,Google Nexus,Nexus,mobile,cell,commercial,google,animation,advertisement,ad,graphics,motion,phone,design,After Effects,Cinema 4D,3D
For the 2012 launch of the new Nexus family of devices, we imagined a playful world of Google services interacting around a stack of devices. Following the success of the first Nexus Playground video, we were then asked to create a series of sequels, each talking about a particular type of experience Nexus can provide to its users. The films below were originally published inside rich media banners, as a part of Google's 2012/2013 Nexus: The Playground is Open campaign.
10 Comments1 Minutes
Morhipo ads and how MovieType saved my skin
October 20, 2011Motion,imagoTVC,Motionworks,MovieType,silver,morhipo,,C4D,type,text,shiny,commercial,advertisement,ad,gold,TV,Maxon,Cinema 4D,3D
I remember the first time John from Motionworks shown me a beta version of MovieType. Pretty cool - I remember saying - I'm sure it will be useful to the people who do lots of 3D text, but not really something I would use in my projects.
While I was certainly impressed with both the idea and the implementation of MovieType, I really did not think I'd ever have any need for it. My motion pieces rarely, if ever, use 3D typography. I may throw an After Effects 3D text layer here and there, but that's pretty much it.
And then came the gig.
0 Comments5 Minutes