QubaVR Stereo Swapper (Photoshop Actions)
January 20, 2016Virtual Reality,Featured,Tutorials&Presets360,QubaVR,Actions,panorama,swap,swapper,authoring,Virtual Reality,stereo,VR,3D,qubahq,free,tool,photoshop,action,download,preset,Adobe
To simplify the process of converting the stereoscopic images from one layout to another, I created a series of Adobe Photoshop Actions named QubaVR Stereo Swapper, that will allow you to re-arrange your frames with a single (or at most double) click.
0 Comments2 Minutes
June 4, 2012Featured,Announcements,Motion,imago,Video Bitsbot,san francisco,motion control,projects,bot&dolly,Autofuss,director,live action,qubahq,Michalski,q3c,video,job,Quba,film,Creative,robot
It is my pleasure to announce that as of now I am the new Creative Director at Autofuss - a studio I have been a huge fan of for many years.
6 Comments2 Minutes
QubaHQ Tutorials: June Trailer
May 30, 2010Video Bits,Tutorials&Presets,Motionmaps,texture,lights,paricles,qubahq,tutorials,june,trailer,effects,after,tutorial,teaser,rig,disintegration,Trapcode,Adobe
I have big plans for QubaHQ Tutorials in June. Over the course of the last few days I thought up and implemented four new techniques that I will share with you over the course of the coming month. Well, at least I hope to be able to push all the content out in a span of 30 days.
Check the rest of this post for the teaser trailer, as well as a short explanation of things to come.
25 Comments2 Minutes