Nexus 7: Grandma

Nexus 7: Grandma is a video banner - a one minute visit to the wonderful world of grandparents, as seen through the eyes of a child. Following the tabletop aesthetic of Nexus 7 campaign, it abstracts the story into a series of carefully curated still life compositions. But I would not be myself if I stopped there...

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Google: Nexus Playground

For the 2012 launch of the new Nexus family of devices, we imagined a playful world of Google services interacting around a stack of devices. Following the success of the first Nexus Playground video, we were then asked to create a series of sequels, each talking about a particular type of experience Nexus can provide to its users. The films below were originally published inside rich media banners, as a part of Google's 2012/2013 Nexus: The Playground is Open campaign.

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gnctrkcll: Kurucesme

This project is a not-so-distant cousin of gnctrkcll / cornetto project, and was produced over the weekend break between the two parts of its bigger relative. The main concept remained the same - a stop-motion actor, t-shirt with a character, busy background.

The character was, again, designed by Meni, but this time we were delivered ready frames from the agency and did not have much input on what it does. Instead I focused on creating a small library of cell-shaded 3D elements, later used to liven up the scene.

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