Here is a video I have been teasing for a while now. Today, I am finally able to share it with you as it has been officially released to the wild.
Nexus 7: Grandma is a video banner – a one minute visit to the wonderful world of grandparents, as seen through the eyes of a child. Following the tabletop aesthetic of Nexus 7 campaign, it abstracts the story into a series of carefully curated still life compositions. But I would not be myself if I stopped there…
Utilizing Bot&Dolly’s IRIS motion control system we were able to not only guide the camera through the set over and over with sub-millimetric precision, but also to modify the move and iterate in the matter of just minutes – simply by modifying the keyframes in Maya and re-loading the move to the robotic arm. Such freedom to experiment, allowed me to think about the set design in a non-standard way and to build the set in full three dimensions, utilizing both the tabletops as well as the walls.
Early on we decided that we want to use really cool camera motion, but don’t want it to overcome the story. It is, instead, a reward for paying a close attention – the first impossible move happens much sooner than the easy-to spot flip from top to the side.
The entire spot has been shot practically in 3K, in two takes joined by a basic cross-fade. The only CG elements are the screen content, 3D text and color treatment.
…and the removal of cracks on the pie that happened after too much time underneath hot lights.
…and turning one of the tablets to correct orientation, because we placed it upside-down on the set.
But that’s it. Promise.
Produced at: Autofuss
Client: Google
Executive Creative Director: Randal Stowell
Director, Creative Director: Quba Michalski
Producers: Alex Lee, Derrick Martin, Mike Ramirez
Director of Photography: Joe Picard
Art Director: Yalda Zakeri
Copywriter: Jamie Shaw
Lighting & Grip: Tej Viardi
Set Design: Andy Vogt
Production Designer: Doug Freeman
Prop Stylist: Hiroshi Yoshida
Production Assistants: Gregory Schram, Patrick Walsh, Dakota Wilder
Technical Director, Matchmoving, VFX, Editing, Color: Quba Michalski
Additional Compositing: Ben Hawkins
Previsualization: Chris McCard
Music composed by: Herald Boyesen
Flash Developer: KC Austin
Behind the scenes by: Aron Pruiett