QHQ Channel Splitter (Tutorial + Preset + Action)
August 19, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motiontut,multiply,mix,adjustment,grading,correction,CMY,tuts,CMYK,add,tutorials,After Effects,RGB,script,free,photoshop,download,split,preset,color
Color grading using Curves, Levels and other RGB tools always felt quite counter-intuitive to me. That's why I decided to create QHQ Channel Splitter - an After Effects script and Photoshop action for automatic splitting of the image/footage into discrete RGB or CMY channels. Channel Splitter can change the way you experiment with color correction as well as open a brand new way of color grading through changing the "inks" rather than the channel values.
3 Comments1 Minutes
QHQ ÜberNumber (Tutorial + Preset)
June 25, 2014Motion,Tutorials&Presets,Featuredpreset,tool,dot,Adobe After Effects (Software),number,function,format,formatting,coma,period,decimal,integer,fraction
Formatting text for dynamically generated numbers in After Effects just got a whole lot easier! In this episode I will introduce you to the uberNumber() function I designed combining numerous smaller expressions, to create an all-in-one number formatting tool.
21 Comments1 Minutes
Rainy Window (Tutorial)
May 27, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motionanimation,s02e04,bokeh,pour,window,learn,how to,Adobe After Effects (Software),particle,vfx,tutorial,lesson,glass,rain,effect,design,water,DoF,photo,Particular,particles,simulation
In this massive, 3-chapter tutorial you will learn how to create an After Effects scene with a realistic rain dripping down a window. In chapter 1 I explain the creation of the background plate - from a single photograph to an illusion of an alive city at night. In chapter 2 I walk you though the creation of rain simulation using Trapcode Particular. The final, 3rd chapter focuses on compositing these elements together to create the final look.
7 Comments1 Minutes
QHQ Superglue (tutorial+preset)
April 16, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motionconnect,attach,sticky,parenting,Visual Effects (Film Company Role Or Service),Adobe After Effects (Software),Tutorial (Industry),optics,digital,vfx,graphics,motion,preset,design,expressions
In this episode I will share with you a simple After Effects preset I designed to help me stick 2D layers to a variety of sources without the need for parenting. While the technique itself is trivially simple, I will explain in-depth the mechanism behind the script and walk you through a number of examples of how it can be used.
11 Comments1 Minutes
GIFify Glitch (tutorial)
April 3, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motiontransmission,s02e02,Season2,QHQ,compression,analogue,echo,glitch,GIF,tutorials,digital,vfx,action,graphics,motion,error,effect,preset,design
In episode 2 of the QubaHQ Tutorials Season 2, I will show you how to use Photoshop's batch processing to create a cool glitch effect based off the GIF compression algorithm.
6 Comments1 Minute
QHQ Chromatic Aberration Rig (tutorial+script)
March 20, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motionlens,JavaScript (Programming Language),spript,Adobe After Effects (Software),Tutorial (Industry),Chromatic Aberration,optics,camera,vfx,digital,graphics,motion,effect,preset,design,expressions
In this tutorial I will discuss the optics of chromatic aberration and common ways of reproducing it in vfx. I will also introduce the brand new Chromatic Aberration Rig in form of an After Effects script that automates the creation of this effect into a simple 2-click procedure.
43 Comments2 Minutes
Dance Central 2: Dance 2gether (oldie!)
March 7, 2014Portfolio,Live Action,Motionmotion design,video game,Kinect,XBOX 360,g-NET,Dancing,Dance Central 2,design,trailer,XBOX,effects,animation,Game,compositing
A few years ago, I have been commissioned by a LA-based production company g-NET to create a post-production look and set of tools for this Dance Central ad. I have completed the assignment and as a part of the process built a cool After Effects Expression for controlling the playback of videos on multiple layers. I will most likely make a tutorial for it as a part of QHQ Tutorials Season 2.
2 Comments1 Minutes
Everything Tastes Better in Slow Motion (part 5)
January 9, 2014Slow Motion,Live Action,Video Bits,Autofuss,Featured,MotionOlivari,vegetables,fruits,Flex,Miro,splash,oil,Phantom,slow motion,camera,olive,water
Another Olivari project came to a close in 2013. Here are the last 6 parts of the amazing Everything Tastes Better in Slow Motion series.
1 Comment1 Minute
Bowerbirds: November and December
January 2, 2014Video Bits,Motion,Featured,Autofuss,Live Actionabstract,music,olive,video,series,short,Olivari,oil,Bowerbirds,clip
With the end of 2013, Olivari's One Year of Little campaign came to a close. In December we published the final episodes of many of the series created for this project. Here are two final videos for Bowerbirds: November and December.
0 Comments1 Minute
Nexus Q: Lights (cancelled)
November 20, 2013Video Bits,Doodles&Noodles,Motion,Autofusslight,color,art,painting,board,animation,Autofuss,Nexus,Nexus Q,trail,psychodelic,neon
You may remember a cool media device named Nexus Q created by Google in 2012 and subsequently removed from sale. At Autofuss we created quite a few pieces for the launch of the device that never ended seeing the light of day.
Here is a set of boards I created for one of the spots.
2 Comments1 Minutes