Everything Tastes Better in Slow Motion (part 5)

Another Olivari project came to a close in 2013. Here are the last 6 parts of the amazing Everything Tastes Better in Slow Motion series.

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Bowerbirds: November and December

With the end of 2013, Olivari's One Year of Little campaign came to a close. In December we published the final episodes of many of the series created for this project. Here are two final videos for Bowerbirds: November and December.

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Bowerbirds: October

This month's meditative, repeating and almost zen-like song called for something slower and relaxing. Paint drying and grass growing felt too cliche, so we settled on having a mountain range erect over the course of the song. This was also the first Bowerbirds clip where I decided to take my hands off the keyboard and let my very talented team do some work.

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Bowerbirds: September

This is the very last Bowerbirds video I will be doing myself. While we still have a few more to go, they will be created and animated by the very talented members of my team as opposed to my 100% hands-on approach I cultivated so far.

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Bowerbirds: May

It's a new month (well, almost the end of it) and a new Bowerbirds song time. This time I have used some of the techniques quite familiar to the followers of my tutorial series. The overarching principle remains the same - a video loop revealed by mixing Cyan, Magenta and Yellow inks. It's quite a jump from the April one and we're already brewing some ideas for June :)

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Bowerbirds: April

Inspired by the cross-processed photos and CMYK printing, I have developed a visual effect for "digital polaroid", based on the ink bleed transitions and used it to reveal the video over the course of a three minute song.

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