QHQ Superglue (tutorial+preset)

In this episode I will share with you a simple After Effects preset I designed to help me stick 2D layers to a variety of sources without the need for parenting. While the technique itself is trivially simple, I will explain in-depth the mechanism behind the script and walk you through a number of examples of how it can be used.

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11 Comments1 Minutes

QHQ Chromatic Aberration Rig (tutorial+script)

In this tutorial I will discuss the optics of chromatic aberration and common ways of reproducing it in vfx. I will also introduce the brand new Chromatic Aberration Rig in form of an After Effects script that automates the creation of this effect into a simple 2-click procedure.

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43 Comments2 Minutes

Macula Lutea

Macula Lutea started as a happy accident - I've been working on one of the projects and wrote a small script to control the movement of the lens flare. Due to the calculation error (my bad) the light source ended up in completely wrong spot, resulting in highly exaggerated flare on the screen. Rather than discard the mistake, I decided to pursue intentionally misusing flares and discovered an entire world of cool abstract imagery that can be created in this style.

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1 Comment1 Minutes