Rainy Window (Tutorial)
May 27, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motionanimation,s02e04,bokeh,pour,window,learn,how to,Adobe After Effects (Software),particle,vfx,tutorial,lesson,glass,rain,effect,design,water,DoF,photo,Particular,particles,simulation
In this massive, 3-chapter tutorial you will learn how to create an After Effects scene with a realistic rain dripping down a window. In chapter 1 I explain the creation of the background plate - from a single photograph to an illusion of an alive city at night. In chapter 2 I walk you though the creation of rain simulation using Trapcode Particular. The final, 3rd chapter focuses on compositing these elements together to create the final look.
7 Comments1 Minutes
Tutorial: 100% Accurate Reflections
June 7, 2010Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motionglass,training,reflections,reflection,reflect,camera,tutorial,lesson,rig,flare,Trapcode,particles,light,Adobe,After Effects,3D
In this After Effects tutorial I will demonstrate to you how to build a two-camera rig in order to create perfect 3D reflections. using this technique, you will be able to reflect not only 3D layers, but also lights, particles, as well as any plug-in that obeys the movement of AE's 3D camera.
35 Comments2 Minutes