Art or Code: Why Not Both?
January 29, 2016Blog,Announcements,Motionscript,java script,addon,meetup,Seattle,VR,javascript,talk,plugin,tool,meeting,event,lecture,art,design,After Effects,code
Come join me on Thursday, February 18at 7PM – 9PM at Adobe Systems Inc in Seattle for a talk about some cool toys I’ve been building inside After Effects. Organized by After Effects Seattle, in this three-part presentation I will demonstrate how to push After Effects to do things it was not designed to do – building your own unique rigs and effects.
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Perlin Maps
October 1, 2014Blog,Game Developmentalgorithm,pathfinding,generation,simplex,perlin,terrain,pixelart,yoyo,chichi,Game Maker,chichiland,code,function,adventure,Games,script,land,chi,pixel,art,Game,noise,random,path
It's been a while since I updated the progress, and I totally skipped any mention of alpha 0.0.7. Now we are at 0.0.8 and although I will be rolling back on some features, I think it's time to show the progress.
I have been working on two main areas of the game: NPC VI and Level Generation.
1 Comment4 Minutes
Topographics Teaser
September 3, 2014BlogAfter Effects,expressions,design,motion,graphics,procedural,tool,script,javascript,jsx,topography
Topographix is a cool new tech I have been developing for the past few days. It will most likely eventually make its way to the QubaHQ tutorials, but not before we make something new using it with my team. The tool is still in early alpha, but already kicks some major ass and se should start doing some testing early next week.
4 Comments1 Minute
QHQ Channel Splitter (Tutorial + Preset + Action)
August 19, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motiontut,multiply,mix,adjustment,grading,correction,CMY,tuts,CMYK,add,tutorials,After Effects,RGB,script,free,photoshop,download,split,preset,color
Color grading using Curves, Levels and other RGB tools always felt quite counter-intuitive to me. That's why I decided to create QHQ Channel Splitter - an After Effects script and Photoshop action for automatic splitting of the image/footage into discrete RGB or CMY channels. Channel Splitter can change the way you experiment with color correction as well as open a brand new way of color grading through changing the "inks" rather than the channel values.
3 Comments1 Minutes