Preset+Tutorial: C4D DoF Camera Rig
January 16, 2011Tutorials&Presets,Featured,MotioniDoF,import,focus,Lenscare,Frischluft,C4D,ae,camera,free,3D,download,rig,preset,depth of field,blur,Maxon,Adobe,After Effects,Cinema 4D
A program of choice to many motion artists, Cinema 4D has a rather counter-intuitive method of producing depth of field. Both the camera controls and the way in which C4D handles depth maps can be a cause of major headache, especially for the newcomers to this program.
With the coding support from German motion artist and art director Derya Ozturk, we have been able to construct an improved camera rig for Cinema 4D that should help you eliminate needless frustration, and get the results you need with just a few clicks.
25 Comments2 Minutes
Tutorial: Procedural Disintegration
January 8, 2011Motion,Tutorials&Presets,Featured3D,2.5D,After Effects,Adobe,particles,Particular,disintegration,2D,procedural,tutorial,break up,dispersion
In this long-delayed tutorial I will show you an efficient method for disintegrating/dispersing a 3D layer into particles. The method shown here has been optimized to produce maximum amount of particles at lowest computing cost (more stuff flying around, faster renders).
30 Comments1 Minutes
Good Times with Xbreaker
August 13, 2010Video Bits,Motion3D,Cinema 4D,After Effects,particles,Maxon,dynamics,global illumination,bit,video,experiment,Xbreaker,Pariah Studios
I have come across a fantastic Cinema 4D plugin called Xbreaker created by pariah Studios. It allows you to shatter pretty much any geometry into tiny pieces with just a few clicks. Add some physics, shaders, a bit of post in After Effects - and you got yourself a nice little visual experiment.
9 Comments1 Minutes
Tutorial+Preset: Light Wall
August 2, 2010Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motionrig,lights,wall,flares,image,tutorial,map,preset,Maxon,particles,Adobe,expressions,After Effects,Cinema 4D
This tutorial is a hybrid between the Automated Light Rig and Scrolling LED Text. We will be building an animated image map driven light array that can be used for for either cool light effects or easily controlled particle emission.
While the entire project can be completed within After Effects, I will also jump into Cinema 4D every now and then and show you a very easy way for creating quite complex light arrays and importing them back into AE.
83 Comments2 Minutes
Yo dawg, I heard you like compositing charts…
July 26, 2010Doodles&Noodles,MotionAfter Effects,Adobe,project,TVC,layers,flow,graphic,chart,comps,compositions,pre-comp
I usually like to build my compositions vertically, placing most of the data in a single timeline. It works most of the time, although sometimes results in skyscraper monstrosities like the nearly 1000 layer project I talked about a while back.
The ad I am working on right now required a different approach. I had to create pre-comps of pre-comps of pre-comps of some more pre-comps, constantly burying and digging up various elements. A timeline screenshot would not do it much justice, so I decided to share with you the flowchart view of the project.
4 Comments1 Minutes