OK, so after running the poll for around 2 weeks, the results are in. A majority of you are using After Effects CS4, with CS5 following closely in a second place. CS3 takes the third with 14% of votes. What does that mean?
It pretty much means I will continue producing the tutorials using CS3 as a base, lowest version supported.
More after the break.
First of all, although only 40 people voted for CS3, I am up-scaling the results according to the tutorial viewing statistics. While less than 300 people voted in the poll (and I thank the ones that did), each of the tutorials is being viewed a minimum of 10,000 times. This means there would be approximately 1,400 people left out in the cold, should I abandon CS3 support.
Second, I am not going to install CS4. You can’t make me! I love Adobe and their products, but in my humble opinion, CS4 was the worst release (across all the Suite programs) ever done. I haven’t even bothered buying that one – upgraded directly from CS3 to CS5. (I did have some hands-on experience both in Beta and using the trial version).
What does that mean? Well, Since the new system only has CS5 installed at the moment, I will be installing my old copy of CS3 sometime soon and then digging through the old discs to find all the necessary plugins in 32bit versions. Once that’s ready I should get onto recording that long-delayed particular disintegration tutorial. (You may have noticed that Red Giant recently released a tutorial on this technique, but trust me – my solution is simpler, more elegant and will compute much faster).
Finally, a message to all the CS4 users: UPGRADE! You are missing tremendous performance improvements, proper memory utilization, overall stability and some cool new features. I hope that next time I will make a survey like that, I will see more users riding the 64bit train.
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Wow, it’s about time someone said it. All this time, I thought I was the only one having serious issues with CS4. Everybody else seemed to love it. Thankfully, I’m now on CS5. My super long rant about CS4 is here.
It should bear mentioning, though, if you are going to upgrade to After Effects CS5, EXISTING PLUGINS WILL NOT WORK. You will need to procure 64-bit versions of your third-party plugins, and have a 64-bit capable processor.
Something to keep in mind.
what less people know that Adobe had big troubles after releasing CS4 (because they could not stand the smell of money) that led to lay off 600 employees.
They even going to shorten production cycles which my professional colleagues and i find not worthwhile for the proper development of the software thus not worthwhile for the user base.
After Effects needs some Major improvements regarding to usability and GUI.
Memory problems, Smart CPU and RAM usage is something i’d expected for CS4 because Computer Hardware made giant leaps and Ae WAS AND STILL IS far behind being an excellent Compositing Software.
I don’t know whom to blame. Is it the PM or the developer itself why Ae is still lacking.