Topographics Teaser
September 3, 2014BlogAfter Effects,expressions,design,motion,graphics,procedural,tool,script,javascript,jsx,topography
Topographix is a cool new tech I have been developing for the past few days. It will most likely eventually make its way to the QubaHQ tutorials, but not before we make something new using it with my team. The tool is still in early alpha, but already kicks some major ass and se should start doing some testing early next week.
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Random Zones
August 22, 2014Blog,Game Developmentrandom,Game,procedural,zone,chichiland,spawn,garden,animal,tree,array,roguelike
ChiChiLand Adventure will use procedural generation for many of its elements, including zones within the levels. Within these zones, the entities (zone citizens) will be simulated based on simple sets of rules. In the garden, for example, I am planning to have some animals and some trees. Every x amount of time, each tree will have a chance to bear fruit. The fruit will fall down and roll in a random direction until stopping. Each animal in the zone will have a hunger meter - as they get hungry, they will seek out fruit and eat it. There will definitely be more behaviors, but that's the basic logic.
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QHQ Channel Splitter (Tutorial + Preset + Action)
August 19, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motiontut,multiply,mix,adjustment,grading,correction,CMY,tuts,CMYK,add,tutorials,After Effects,RGB,script,free,photoshop,download,split,preset,color
Color grading using Curves, Levels and other RGB tools always felt quite counter-intuitive to me. That's why I decided to create QHQ Channel Splitter - an After Effects script and Photoshop action for automatic splitting of the image/footage into discrete RGB or CMY channels. Channel Splitter can change the way you experiment with color correction as well as open a brand new way of color grading through changing the "inks" rather than the channel values.
3 Comments1 Minutes
Perler ChiChiLand Adventure Sprite
August 17, 2014Doodles&Noodles,Blog,Game DevelopmentGame,art,pixel,project,hand,sprite,craft,coaster,bead,plastic,made,handmade
Some days you just have to take a break from work and do something silly. As my next tutorial (coming Tuesday) was rendering, I grabbed some Perler beads and made myself a water glass coaster featuring the main character from the ChiChiLand Adventure game I am developing. Stupid little thing, but made me happy :)
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Character Concepts
August 14, 2014Blog,Game Developmentillustration,design,concept,art,player,character,sketch,chi,adventure,drawing,chichiland
I would not go as far as calling it Concept ART, but as I was working to develop a number of idle animations for the player sprite, I realized how little I understood about what I am drawing.
I use pixel art is an abstraction, a simplification of an actual form - but I never really stopped to think about what this actual form may be. Needles to say, abstracting something that does not exist was quite tough.
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Walk System
August 5, 2014Blog,Game Developmentcode,character,movement,sprite,logic,direction,orient,orientation,Game Maker,Game Maker Studio,GML
Making the character walk around the screen was fairly easy. Keep in mind that at this point there is no interaction with any environment elements or vertical movement, so the whole thing will have to become more complex over time.
At the moment however, the whole system works on few basic principles.
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Player Walk Cycle
July 29, 2014Blog,Game Developmentplayer,pixel,animation,character,chi,land,pixel art,sprite,chichiland,walk,cycle
With the look of the character worked out, I begun the basic animation for the sprite. The ChiChiLand Adventure will use a mostly top-down perspective (slightly off vertical), popularized by many Nintendo titles such as Pokemon or Zelda (especially the handheld versions).
I wanted the character to have a cute, bold, slightly stumpy way of walking. Here's a first pass.
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ChiChiLand Adventure: Player Sprite
July 28, 2014Blog,Game DevelopmentGame,pixel,character,development,sketch,pixel art,gamedev,sprite,study
I have decided to learn how to create games. It's really a no-brainer. I've been playing and following game development for most of my life now, I already use code in my animation work - why not give it a shot?
At the moment I have a more-less fleshed out idea of what my first game will be (more on that in another post) and I will document my journey through the posts in this brand new Game Development category on QubaHQ.
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Project Tango: The Journey (Director’s Cut)
July 23, 2014Portfolio,Live Action,Autofusstablet,tech,ATAP,Johnny Lee,peanut,sensing,IR,Kinect,3D,mobile,documentary,tango,google,phone
Lead by Johnny Chung Lee, Project Tango took a fairly unorthodox approach to the development of this new technology. Rather than complete secrecy, Google engineers collaborated with research labs and academia, developing both the software as well as the current incarnation of the project - the Tango Tablet.
This film is a tribute to all the amazing minds involved in making Tango a reality. It documents the amazing journey of computer vision and 3D sensing that led to today's ability to contain all these amazing technologies in a user-oriented mobile device.
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