Freefall: QubaHQ VR004
October 14, 2015Portfolio,Virtual Reality,VR,Video Bits,Motionrealistic,adrift,alone,tumble,stereo,VR,spherical,360,orbit,free,animation,video,fall,space,Earth,sphere,3D
This short VR Experiment aims to replicate the sensation of finding yourself in a free-fall, lost in space. You are tumbling out of control in the orbit of our home planet, Earth. Best experienced using a high-quality head mounted display such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, GearVR or Google Cardboard. For more about the project as well as high-bitrate downloadable version, visit:
2 Comments4 Minutes
Prismatic: 360° VR Animation
August 18, 2015Virtual Reality,VR,Portfolio,Featured,MotionVR,vive,cardboard,oculus,kaleidoscope,infinity,infinite,mirrors,mirror,360x180,180,Virtual Reality,light,spherical,360,endless,prism,tracking,reflection,lights,animation,video,render
Prismatic is my first independent project since I have left my position as Creative Director at Autofuss and Google a few weeks ago. It has begun its existence as a proof-of-concept animatic for a larger, practical set I am currently developing. Soon though, it took life on its own and became a self-standing animation I am happy to share with you today.
6 Comments5 Minutes
The Making of Prismatic
August 18, 2015VR,Virtual Reality,Portfolio,Blog,Featured,Motionoculus,Virtual Reality,180,360x180,mirror,mirrors,infinite,infinity,kaleidoscope,cardboard,vive,bts,behind the scenes,making of,the making of,light,VR,spherical,360,endless,prism,tracking,reflection,lights,animation,video,render
If you haven’t yet seen Prismatic, strap on your virtual reality goggles and go check it out here. The rest of the article will make much more sense this way. If you are already familiar with the work (or just came back after I sent you to check it out), welcome. In this article I’ll talk about the process behind creating as well as publishing Prismatic, as well as about some of the lessons learned along the way.
3 Comments26 Minutes
Google Jump, Avicii and “Waiting for Love”
May 28, 2015Google Jump,Virtual Reality,VR,Portfolio,Live Action,Featuredgopro,choreography,waiting for love,Avicii,mono,stereo,VR,spherical,360,3D,tech,camera,stereoscopic,video,dance,music,rig,2D
For the past two months, I had the opportunity to work with some very creative engineers, filmmakers and coders in some of the very first field tests of this new, exciting camera rig.
The effort culminated in a collaboration with EDM artist Avicii and YouTube director Kurt Hugo Schneider, and resulted in an awesome 360 video for Avicii's latest single "Waiting for Love"
0 Comments1 Minutes
Kiki’s Cocoa: Halloween Edition
October 16, 2014Blogmade,kiki,collab,cutter,rubber,linoleum,craftsman,crafting,hand-made,handmade,print,chichiland,hand,stencil,collaboration,fabric,Halloween,laser,block
My most recent project took me into a new, unknown and unexpected territory. There was no motion design, no vfx, no gaming, interactivity involved. Just some machining and a whole lot of power tools.
I was invited to participate in the collaboration with Kiki's Cocoa and ChiChiLand, to create a set of 27 exclusive chocolate sets accompanied by a block-printed bandana. Using official "agency terms" I guess I served as a technical director and craftsman. To put it simply - I used a combination of vector illustration, laser etching and wood shop tools to produce linoleum stamps based on the original designs by my Chi Michalski.
1 Comment1 Minutes
ChiChiLand Adventure: Perlin Maps
October 1, 2014Blog,Game Developmentalgorithm,pathfinding,generation,simplex,perlin,terrain,pixelart,yoyo,chichi,Game Maker,chichiland,code,function,adventure,Games,script,land,chi,pixel,art,Game,noise,random,path
It's been a while since I updated the progress, and I totally skipped any mention of alpha 0.0.7. Now we are at 0.0.8 and although I will be rolling back on some features, I think it's time to show the progress.
I have been working on two main areas of the game: NPC VI and Level Generation.
1 Comment4 Minutes
Net neutrality
September 10, 2014Announcements,Found Around,Featured,Blog
I'd like to take a break from our scheduled programming, to bring your attention to the issue of the battle for net neutrality that is currently taking place. The video below explains the basic concept, while the links underneath will provide you with more information.
Take action now - write your congressman, email FCC. Inaction, passivity and apathy make the world a worse place. Thank you.
1 Comment1 Minute
Topographics Teaser
September 3, 2014BlogAfter Effects,expressions,design,motion,graphics,procedural,tool,script,javascript,jsx,topography
Topographix is a cool new tech I have been developing for the past few days. It will most likely eventually make its way to the QubaHQ tutorials, but not before we make something new using it with my team. The tool is still in early alpha, but already kicks some major ass and se should start doing some testing early next week.
4 Comments1 Minute
ChiChiLand Adventure: Random Zones
August 22, 2014Blog,Game Developmentrandom,Game,procedural,zone,chichiland,spawn,garden,animal,tree,array,roguelike
ChiChiLand Adventure will use procedural generation for many of its elements, including zones within the levels. Within these zones, the entities (zone citizens) will be simulated based on simple sets of rules. In the garden, for example, I am planning to have some animals and some trees. Every x amount of time, each tree will have a chance to bear fruit. The fruit will fall down and roll in a random direction until stopping. Each animal in the zone will have a hunger meter - as they get hungry, they will seek out fruit and eat it. There will definitely be more behaviors, but that's the basic logic.
0 Comments2 Minutes