Perler ChiChiLand Adventure Sprite

Some days you just have to take a break from work and do something silly. As my next tutorial (coming Tuesday) was rendering, I grabbed some Perler beads and made myself a water glass coaster featuring the main character from the ChiChiLand Adventure game I am developing. Stupid little thing, but made me happy :)

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New tutorials coming, no more project files

Hello everyone! Just another update on the state of things regarding new QubaHQ tutorials. As you can guess I have good news and bad news for you (and double good news for myself). Let's start with the good ones.

New tutorials are on the way. This weekend I am planning to release a new text animator based preset, once again using After Effects' built-in tools in an unexpected way. Originally I planned to release this preset as a part of larger, paid content, but after careful deliberation decided to throw you all another cool freebie. Follow my twitter for the updates on recording and release. Hopefully this time Camtasia will behave better than on the last recording session.

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imago Reel 2010

Hot on the heels of yesterday's address change, I am happy to present you with the latest reel of imago studios, closing down year 2010.

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ÅžÖlen: Bayram

This project was definitely one for the books. We were asked to create a 23 second ad for ÅžÖlen - a Turkish candy and chocolate company. We were given three weeks to produce a set of three videos (each for different product line) and the general guidelines regarding the current style used by the client's ads this season.

With the storyboards approved, we contacted Onur Senturk, whom you might know from his independent pieces such as Nokta or TRIâ–²NGLE. Onur took care of animating the ribbons, while I did the colors, particles, light fx and all that extra shiny-sparkly stuff. Leo Burnett - agency for this project - provided us with the 3D renders of the products and the audio track.

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Yo dawg, I heard you like compositing charts…

I usually like to build my compositions vertically, placing most of the data in a single timeline. It works most of the time, although sometimes results in skyscraper monstrosities like the nearly 1000 layer project I talked about a while back.

The ad I am working on right now required a different approach. I had to create pre-comps of pre-comps of pre-comps of some more pre-comps, constantly burying and digging up various elements. A timeline screenshot would not do it much justice, so I decided to share with you the flowchart view of the project.

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The State of Things

I guess it is not too hard to notice that June is gone and I have managed to cover only half of the tutorial content from the trailer. Unfortunately, you will have to be patient for a little while longer.

It's been raining projects here, and I literally don't have any free time left to work on the site. This is likely to continue for a few more weeks, so naturally the Automated Light Array and Procedural Disintegration tutorials have been delayed until sometime later this Summer.

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