The Pull (Short VR Film)
March 22, 2016Blog,Virtual Reality,VR,Portfolio,Announcements,Featured,Motiongravity,the pull,pull,stereo,VR,spherical,360,reality,virtual,stereoscopic,animation,film,sphere,render,3D
Gravity is no longer a constant.
Enter a world where the rules that bind us
are suddenly disobeyed.
0 Comments1 Minutes
Freefall: QubaHQ VR004
October 14, 2015Portfolio,Virtual Reality,VR,Video Bits,Motionrealistic,adrift,alone,tumble,stereo,VR,spherical,360,orbit,free,animation,video,fall,space,Earth,sphere,3D
This short VR Experiment aims to replicate the sensation of finding yourself in a free-fall, lost in space. You are tumbling out of control in the orbit of our home planet, Earth. Best experienced using a high-quality head mounted display such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, GearVR or Google Cardboard. For more about the project as well as high-bitrate downloadable version, visit:
2 Comments4 Minutes