ChiChiLand Adventure: Perlin Maps

It's been a while since I updated the progress, and I totally skipped any mention of alpha 0.0.7. Now we are at 0.0.8 and although I will be rolling back on some features, I think it's time to show the progress.

I have been working on two main areas of the game: NPC VI and Level Generation.

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Perler ChiChiLand Adventure Sprite

Some days you just have to take a break from work and do something silly. As my next tutorial (coming Tuesday) was rendering, I grabbed some Perler beads and made myself a water glass coaster featuring the main character from the ChiChiLand Adventure game I am developing. Stupid little thing, but made me happy :)

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ChiChiLand Adventure: Player Walk Cycle

With the look of the character worked out, I begun the basic animation for the sprite. The ChiChiLand Adventure will use a mostly top-down perspective (slightly off vertical), popularized by many Nintendo titles such as Pokemon or Zelda (especially the handheld versions).
I wanted the character to have a cute, bold, slightly stumpy way of walking. Here's a first pass.

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ChiChiLand Adventure: Player Sprite

I have decided to learn how to create games. It's really a no-brainer. I've been playing and following game development for most of my life now, I already use code in my animation work - why not give it a shot?
At the moment I have a more-less fleshed out idea of what my first game will be (more on that in another post) and I will document my journey through the posts in this brand new Game Development category on QubaHQ.

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