Gotta Play: The Orange Box
April 11, 2010Featured,Gotta Play,Gameshalf-life,SDK,Episode,Fortress,Team,Freeman,Gordon,the,orange,trailer,half,software,review,life,2,box,Valve,Portal,Game,HDRI
Released in October 2007, The Orange Box is a compilation of some of the best titles produced by Valve Software: Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episodes One and Two, Portal and Team Fortress 2.
1 Comment12 Minutes
Gotta Play: Defcon
April 7, 2010Featured,Gotta Play,GamesDEFCON,paranoia,anti,screenshot,Introversion,WarGames,war,thermonuclear,Game,trailer,review,global,Games,cold
Inspired by a 1983 movie WarGames, Defcon is an anti-war strategy game in which you command your nation on the path to global annihilation.
1 Comment5 Minutes