QHQ Channel Splitter (Tutorial + Preset + Action)
August 19, 2014Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Motiontut,multiply,mix,adjustment,grading,correction,CMY,tuts,CMYK,add,tutorials,After Effects,RGB,script,free,photoshop,download,split,preset,color
Color grading using Curves, Levels and other RGB tools always felt quite counter-intuitive to me. That's why I decided to create QHQ Channel Splitter - an After Effects script and Photoshop action for automatic splitting of the image/footage into discrete RGB or CMY channels. Channel Splitter can change the way you experiment with color correction as well as open a brand new way of color grading through changing the "inks" rather than the channel values.
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Chromatic Aberration: Tutorial & Preset Teaser
October 1, 2013Motion,Featured,Tutorials&Presets,Announcements,Video Bitsglitch,prism,aberration,chromatic,chroma,course,tuts,lens,plugin,tutorial,graphics,motion,video,error,effect,preset,design,distortion,color,light,lesson
Here is a result of me messing around with After Effects and testing my new Chromatic Aberration rig.
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