The State of Things

I guess it is not too hard to notice that June is gone and I have managed to cover only half of the tutorial content from the trailer. Unfortunately, you will have to be patient for a little while longer.

It's been raining projects here, and I literally don't have any free time left to work on the site. This is likely to continue for a few more weeks, so naturally the Automated Light Array and Procedural Disintegration tutorials have been delayed until sometime later this Summer.

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Convert time and dates using Wolfram Alpha

There are a whole bunch of sites that deal with time conversion, but they are either painfully ugly to look at or week on functionality. Google, as of yet, does not do any time conversions. I decided to try Wolfram|Alpha - the awesome "scientist in a box" from the authors of Mathematica. The result it returned was nothing short of perfect.

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Symphony of Science

Symphony of Science is a project oriented towards bringing the scientific knowledge and philosophy to the public through the medium of music. Lead by musician and producer, John Boswell, SoS remixes quotes from famous scientists and science enthusiasts into electronic music, probably best classified as IDM. The songs are then released in multitude of audio and video formats, from FLAC to MP3, from WMV to YouTube videos.

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Team Fortress 2 Spray Pack 1

This TF2 Spray Pack contains a total of 11 sprays: One for each to the 9 Team Fortress 2 classes, with one extra medic spray and a little something for all the World of Warcraft players.

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