The real problem with piracy
February 25, 2014Games,Movies,Brainstormscene,economy,sales,distribution,article,warez,Steam,Games,online,free,problem,video,torrent,piracy,download,Valve,film,TV,money,software,analysis
I'd lie if I said I have never pirated anything in my life. Having been growing up in Poland on the brink of abolishing the communist regime, I haven't even been aware of concepts such as intellectual property rights or legal/illegal software.
7 Comments12 Minutes
Tim Minchin: Storm
April 24, 2011Motion,Found Around,Moviestypography,film,movie,storm,retro,animation,short,Tim Minchin,DC Turner,poem,performance,motion graphics
Over a year ago I posted a trailer for a fantastic animated short entitled Storm. The film was to be written and performed by Tim Minchin and directed by DC Turner and scheduled for release in 2010. They year has gone and passed and I assumed the film was cancelled. Apparently I haven't followed it closely enough. The film was released in festivals in 2010 - and in April 2011 it premiered on YouTube.
0 Comments1 Minutes