QHQ Chromatic Aberration Rig (tutorial+script)

New version 1.3.1 (25 March 2014) now supports both English and German After Effects. If you would like to assist me with other localizations, contact me by email.

Just when it seemed as if QubaHQ Tutorials won’t ever come back, the long-awaited QHQ Chromatic Aberration Rig Tutorial and Script are finally here. Feels like the first day of spring may be a good time for new beginnings. Throughout season 2, QubaHQ Tutorials will be shorter, smarter, snappier and more to-the-point. Unless absolutely necessary, gone are the 90-minute videos, in favor of simpler and more digestible format. I currently have ideas and material for 13 new episodes, and hope to match the US Television standard of 22-24 episodes before taking a break for season 3.

In this tutorial I will discuss the optics of chromatic aberration and common ways of reproducing it in vfx. I will also introduce the brand new Chromatic Aberration Rig in form of an After Effects script that automates the creation of this effect into a simple 2-click procedure.

Running time: 27min
Difficulty: Easy
Required tools: After Effects
Intro and Outro music: “Ghosts II” by Nine Inch Nails


I would like to express my thanks to the generosity of everyone clicking the donate button, supporting the QubaHQ tutorials. You make this show possible!

Download the files associated with this turtorial below:

Thanks to Jonathan Baecker for the help with German localization.

The tutorial can also be watched at YouTube and Vimeo.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.