Bici’s new plan for the Internet and world domination through the use of Explanation of this whole mess right after the break.

QubaHQ is being fed content from four main sources: Bici Bee, Video Bits, imago studios and Brainstorm. The feeds get mixed in with the original content created directly here.

All the posts are parsed through Google Analytics and provide me with direct live feedback on the site’s usage, visitor trends etc.

Whenever a new post is made, an export plugin notifies Twitter and places a tweet on my profile. The import plugin monitors Twitter for my other entries and displays them in the sidebar, but not before verifying with the export plugin that the tweet is not one of the automated ones.

A ShareThis script, embedded in each post allows the users to re-post the content to a wide variety of social networking websites, SMS and mail. These in turn can generate further follow-ups by other users as well as feedback directly to the site.

The RSS feed generated by WordPress is passed through Google’s Feedburner service and then plugs into my Facebook profile, reposting all the content on their site.

Feedburner RSS can also be accessed by multiple users either directly or via a variety or RSS readers, mail clients and scripts.

All the people reading my content either directly or via the devices mentioned above provide me with feedback further fueling the site’s development.

Finally, all the sites populated by the content spread the posts further, exposing larger and larger masses to the stupid little bee.