So it is done. Adobe officially introduced the world to their Creative Suite 5 today. You can watch the unveiling show at

There are quite a few interesting features in this release, from the impressive content-aware tools in Photoshop to all the new stuff in After Effects. While all these new functionalities are welcome, CS5’s greatest improvement over the previous versions will definitely be the performance boost in many key applications.

Personally, as a motion designer, I feel web and content management (again) received too much attention as opposed to the video tools, but hell, just the fact that AE will now use all of my system memory makes it a worthy release. There is no point in me outlining all the new features and improvements in Creative Suite 5 when all the information is available on Adobe’s site. Head over to to learn all about it.

Adobe Creative Suite 5 in English is expected to ship mid-May 2010. Other localizations to follow.