
I can’t believe wearedata.watchdogs.com existed under my radar for over a year now, and today was the first time I’ve seen it. I am assuming there might be more people like me, so a short article and a bit of pimping is definitely in order!

Here’s a trailer. More after the break.


WeAreData is a website created by BETC Paris and Ubisoft to promote Watch_Dogs – a game released a few months ago, in May 2014.

The main theme of Watch_Dogs is interconnectivity and how all aspects of our lives are slowly becoming a part of a single, vulnerable network system. Yes, it’s a game about hackers.



The website highlights the amount of data already freely available online by letting you fly around three European cities: London, Paris and Berlin, exploring layers upon layers of live information dug up from public databases. You can read geo-tagged tweets and instagrams, view mobile phones and see what network they operate on, monitor traffic lights and the movement of public transit, etc. etc.







It’s all very pretty… and a bit scary. Both via a very impersonal art direction and sound design, the site projects a fairly ominous vibe surrounding data privacy and the amount of information we happily beam into aether every moment.


Agency: BETC Digital
Agency Managers: Xavier Blairon, Eugénie Valletoux, Thibault Cuisiniez, Michaël Korsec, Tiphaine Du-Plessis, Thomas Boutte, Damien Clanet
Chief Creative Officer / President of BETC: Stéphane Xiberras
Digital Creative Directors: Christophe Clapier, Ivan Beczkowski
Art Director: Julien Derreveaux, Loris Cormorèche, Hugo Thomas
Copywriter: Adrien Héron
Technical Director: Thibault Dargeou, Frédéric Petitpont
Lead Developer: Nicolas Barradeau
Development: Abder Zeghoud, Jérôme Birembaut, Edan Kwan, Loïc Urien, Jérémy Boutier, Simon Dourys

Visit the WeAreData experience at: http://wearedata.watchdogs.com/