I guess it is not too hard to notice that June is gone and I have managed to cover only half of the tutorial content from the trailer. Unfortunately, you will have to be patient for a little while longer.

It’s been raining projects here, and I literally don’t have any free time left to work on the site. This is likely to continue for a few more weeks, so naturally the Automated Light Array and Procedural Disintegration tutorials have been delayed until sometime later this Summer.

Be sure that the moment I catch a moment to breathe I will record the next video, but for now you just have to check the site regularly to see if that moment has come. Until then – enjoy the Summer, or go around the site and try out all these new shiny Facebook Like buttons. If you feel particularly generous, there is also a nice rounded yellow button on the right side you may want to try.

If you bothered to click past the break, here’s the wallpaper-sized (clicky) version of the borked iPhone render:

Borked iPhone (click to enlarge)


I rendered this thing while… waiting for a render. Original iPhone4 model by Anders Kjellberg, available for free here: http://dogday-design.se/?p=716.